As a learner, did you ever feel that a particular topic was too lengthy to study and that you were forgetting the initial bits of information as you progressed further to learn more? If the answer to this questions is yes, don’t be disappointed. You are not alone. As we have transitioned into the digital content era, there is enormous content a human mind is bombarded with throughout the day. It could be from social media, news feeds, podcasts, videos, OTT platforms, emails, messages and more. Apart from that, there are many distractions throughout the whole day with everyone trying to adjust their work-life balance to suit the flexibility many organizations have started offering after the pandemic. In this complete chaos, one thing as individuals we have not realized, is that our attention spans have dropped significantly as compared to our ancestors who had very limited information available at that time and they could focus wholeheartedly on exactly what they decided to take up. A recent study by Microsoft claims that our attention spans have reduced to just 8 seconds. Horrifying, isn’t it?

In such a scenario, Learning and Training Development teams in organizations are grappling to find ways in which they could deliver content which would engage learners and at the same time help in retaining information. One definite trend we are seeing is using Microlearning as an effective delivery modality to the learners. Microlearning, as the name suggests, are short learning nuggets meaningfully chunked together to deliver relevant learning information on a particular topic. This could be delivered through interactive eLearning modules, short videos, infographics, eBooks and many other such modalities. Microlearning also helps in delivering content to the learners at the right time and at the time of need. Also, meta data tagging of this information can help easy retrieval through platforms like a Learning Management System (LMS) which are SCORM or XAPI complaint, Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) or any other custom intranet portal an organization is leveraging to deliver training.

Let us see top 5 benefits of microlearning:

  1. Increased engagement
  2. Lower cost of development
  3. Enhances learner retention
  4. Increased rate of completion
  5. Aids just-in-time learning

Now that we have seen the benefits of microlearning, let us understand what spaced learning is which is also referred to as nudge learning in the L&D world. A famous German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, who is known for pioneering the experimental study of memory and also known for his discovery of the forgetting curve, states that more than 50% of information is lost within the first hour of going through any learning or consumption of information. To flatten this forgetting curve, the concept of spaced learning or nudge learning is playing a pivotal role in ensuring the learners retain the relevant information. Spaced learning is basically a framework which helps deliver short bite sized micro learning information to the learners in spaced interval of time. For example, your learners have gone through a compliance training which has ten code of conducts listed which they should be aware of at all times. Initially they will recollect them and pass the assessments as it is fresh in their memory but with time, they will start forgetting the codes. Therefore, to ensure that your learners recollect these codes time and again, short bite sized information regarding each code can be pushed to the learners in the form of short mobile notifications, email messages, MS Teams or Slack pings, AI driven chatbots and other such delivery mechanisms. Making sure, these are short one liners or brief sentences about the codes will help them refresh their memory on what they had actually studied earlier. This definitely helps in retaining information and can help flatten the forgetting curve to an extent. Technology plays a very important role in delivering these short spaced micro learning nuggets to the learners. Therefore, ensuring you have the right technology infrastructure in place is the key. You can also have short messaging service (SMS) used as a nudging medium. Also, with your exiting technology infrastructure, you can develop a workflow which will automate the whole nudging process.

Learning in the flow of work is very well talked about in this VUCA world and a much-needed way of learning. As we discussed earlier, with all the distractions and multiple things on the plate of an individual, learning is no longer a “push” but should be available to the learners at all times and they should be able to consume content whenever they need it which is also known as “pull” type of learning. Rather than they being asked to log in to a system to take training modules, the modules should be available in the flow of their work by integrating such spaced learning and micro learning modalities thereby encouraging them at all times to consume content.

Microlearning is a great learning modality by itself for the shorter attention spans, but this coupled with spaced learning can help knowledge retention manifold. Also, L&D teams should first assess their complete tech stack and existing content availability which could be chunked to meaningful bite sized information. There is no one size fits all solution in this regard as existing technology infrastructure, content, learner personas and budgets may all vary from organization to organization. Therefore, a tailored made solution is the key to rolling out a successful micro learning and spaced learning strategy. At PassionPro Learning Solutions we have been supporting a host of global organizations derive and implement the complete end to end spaced learning and micro learning strategies by leveraging some of the latest learning interventions, tools and technologies. We would love to hear how you are leveraging micro learning and spaced learning together. If you are doing something differently, we would be glad to learn from you. In case you are just thinking of getting started, now is the right time. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!